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Every site visitor can find information about available courses (but the visitor won't have access), about site owner, read all the latest site news and study "help" guide.
The User mode of Site consists of the following sections:
News, Available Courses, My Profile, Contacts and Help.
They give you the following opportunities:

News Section
Here you can read Training News placed by an educator. It may be news about new courses at the site, announcements of new learning systems, or articles about education area.

Available Courses
It's the list of active courses - free or paid.
Each course has a short description to learn course subject, information on lessons number, test existence or time limit, and course status.
If a course is paid, right after the short description you'll see "Pay" button. And if a course is free, you'll be offered to read it ("To read the course" button).

In case when the course is paid the system will ask you about payment way. And you'll get access to the course only when your educator gets your payment.
If in a course there supposed to be tests, then having read course materials you must pass them.

Being at a lesson you can stop at any moment reading it if you want and restart at any convenient time - our system will redirect you to the same point at the list of unread courses and unfinished tests.

Please remember that you can set max time limit for course reading and test passing. In this case you must finish course reading (or test taking) until the time is over. Please watch the timer at the right top corner.
If case the course doesn't have a time limit, you can read the lesson (or take the test) as long as you wish.

And if you didn't complete a lesson for a given time our system will transfer you back to the list of courses. And you'll have to take the course once again. And if the course is paid you'll have to pay once again.

If you've passed a course successfully you will get a certificate which you'll be able to print.

My Profile
Here you can edit your contact info - add some extra information or change the current one. Pay attention that phone and fax fields accept information in xxx-xxx-xxxx format. For example, 123-456-7890, where 123 is your town's area code.

Contact Us
In this section you can find an educator's contact info and send him a message.
To send message you must enter your name and email address. After you've pressed "Send now" button your message will be sent automatically to the administrator.

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